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Sell Your House

in days ebook

We'll gladly provide you a copy of our FREE e-Book "Sell Your House In Days Instead of Months".


Stopping Foreclosure


We'll gladly provide you a copy of our FREE e-Book "Stopping Foreclosure: Understanding Your Options".


Fast Response Form

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 Enter your information for a free no obligation consultation and offer
* Your First Name:  
* Your Last Name:  
E-mail Address:  
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(Please include area code)  
Property street address:  
Property city:  
Property state:  
Property Zip:  
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The Process

Many people that contact us want to know what the process is in working with

  1. We will contact you directly and have a discussion regarding your property and how we might help you. It MUST be a Win-Win Solution for all parties !!!
  2. If it makes sense to continue we will schedule an appointment to meet you and all the other decision makers regarding the sale at the property. We do not give offers over the phone. Remember there is no obligation on your part and no fee for us to come visit with you.
  3. If it is a property we can purchase, we will explain our offer at the time of the visit and leave you a written proposal (contract).
  4. You can sign the contract at the time of our meeting or have it reviewed by an attorney.
  5. Once we have a signed contract, we will order title and start the formal purchase process.

It's that simple !!!